


这些官方规则适用于由星空公司进行的新建筑推广(“推广”). (“的”), 特拉华州公司, 办公室在昌西街38号, 波士顿, MA 02144作为保荐人, and which will be promoted via 直接 mail postcards with the 官方规则 可以在 http://www.布满星星的.com/legal/new-building-promo (统称为“官方规则”). These 官方规则 apply in lieu of and supercede the General Terms & 星空促销条件,可于 http://claim-rite.com/legal/promo-terms. The Promotion will start on May 20, 2019 and will end on December 31, 2019.

通过参加这次促销活动, 您同意完全无条件地受这些官方规则条款的约束,您声明并保证您符合此处规定的资格要求. 除了, 您同意接受星空的决定, 作为最终的和有约束力的,因为它涉及到的内容.

  1. 资格. 您必须在参加/参与和分发促销奖品时满足以下要求才有资格:(i)是星空公司发送用于促销活动的直邮明信片的建筑物之一的当前居民(每个建筑物都有), “合资格楼宇”), (ii)是美国的合法居民, (iii)年满18周岁. 法律禁止的无效. Promotion subject to all applicable federal, 状态 and local laws and regulations. Employees of Starry and their immediate family members (spouse, 父母, 兄弟姐妹, 子女及其配偶)无论居住在何处和/或与任何此类个人(无论是否有亲属关系)居住在同一家庭,都没有资格进入或获胜.

  2. 如何进入. 如果你还没有这样做, call Starry at 1-866-302-6534 and provide Starry with the name, title, and contact information for the person who is currently serving as the property manager, 或者这栋楼是共管公寓, any person who is a board member for the condominium association (each, “决策者”). You will also be required to provide your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address. You may enter only once and you must provide all information requested. 您不得使用多个电子邮件地址或身份输入超过指定的次数,以试图规避官方规则. If you use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the 官方规则, your submission may be removed from eligibility at the sole discretion of Starry. 您的报名即表示您同意参加本次活动,并同意星空传媒获取您的姓名, address and other information and to use it to supply you with a prize, 如果你被认为是赢家, as well as for other uses by Starry as permitted by applicable law. Entries are the property of Starry and will not be acknowledged or returned. 斯特拉不对迟到负责, 不完整的, 或由于计算机或电子故障或其他错误而导致处理延迟或不正确或丢失的错误输入. All entries must be received by no later than December 31, 2019.

  3. 获奖者的选择和通知. For each Eligible Building that signs a services agreement (each, (“服务协议”), 2019 authorizing Starry to provide 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址 to residents of the building (each, “星空大厦”), Starry will review all of the entries made by residents of the Starry Building and, 自行决定, select one (1) person from such pool of entries to receive the Promotion prize (the "winner"). 获胜者将是第一个提交星空决定的决策者名字的人, 自行决定, 在所有参与者推荐的决策者中,谁是最负责签署服务协议的人. 获奖者将在不迟于1月30日之前通过电子邮件通知到报名时提供的电子邮件地址, 2020. Starry shall have no liability for a winner's failure to receive notices due to winners' spam, 垃圾邮件或其他安全设置,或为获奖者提供不正确或其他不正常的联系信息. 如未能联络中奖者, 是不合格的, fails to claim the prize within 15 business days from the time award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and releases as required, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected. 在本次促销活动中提供的奖品,获奖者的收据是在遵守任何和所有联邦和州法律法规的前提下. 任何获胜者违反这些官方规则(由星空全权决定),将导致该获胜者丧失比赛获胜者的资格,并立即终止其所有获奖者的特权.

  4. 奖. 每位获奖者将获得一(1)个促销代码(“促销代码”),有效期为连续六(6)个月,每月50美元的免费星空极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务计划(“服务”)(ARV: 300美元)。. 实际/评估价值在颁奖时可能会有所不同. 兑换优惠码, the winner must (i) reside at a building that has Starry 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址, (ii) have an existing account or create an account for the Service, and (ii) agree to the Starry 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址 Customer Agreement and Terms of Use, 可以在 http://claim-rite.com/legal/internet-terms. 连续六(6)个月之后, 获胜者将按其注册服务时显示的费率每月收取服务费. 获奖者可随时取消本服务. 如果服务在连续六(6)个月期限届满前因任何原因被取消, 包括 because the winner moved to a building that does not offer Starry 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址, 任何和所有剩余的免费服务月将到期. 优惠码没有现金价值, 除每月$50星空极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务计划的服务积分外,其他任何形式的付款均无效, 并且不可转让. The Promo Code cannot be redeemed for cash, credit or any other amount. The Promo Code cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts. 获胜者将全权负责所有联邦, 州和地方的奖金税, as well as any and all costs associated with the 验收 和使用 of the prize. 与接受和使用奖品有关的所有费用和费用由获奖者全权负责. No cash substitution, assignment, or transfer of any prize is permitted. 在没有奖品的情况下, Starry reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. 上述奖品的ARV代表了星空对其零售价值的善意决定, 以及实际的公平市场价值, 最终由星空决定, 是终局的,有约束力的,不能质疑或上诉. In the event the 状态d ARV of a prize is more than the actual fair market value of the prize, 差额将不会以现金或其他方式发放. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Starry to use winner's name, 相似, and entry for purposes of 广告 and trade without further compensation, 除非法律禁止.

  5. 您授予的权利. 通过参与此促销活动,您了解星空, 任何代表星空的人, 或其各自的被许可人, 继承人和受让人将享有权利, 在法律允许的情况下, 无须另行通知, 审阅或同意打印, 发布, 广播, 分发, 和使用, worldwide in any media now known or hereafter in perpetuity and throughout the world, 你的入口, 包括, 但不限于, 参赛作品和获胜者的名字, 肖像, picture, 的声音, 相似, 有关促销活动的图片或声明, 并将传记信息作为新闻, 宣传或信息,用于贸易, 广告, public relations and promotional purposes without any further compensation.

  6. 一般. By participating in the Promotion, each entrant agrees to Starry's 隐私通知. 参加此推广活动, each entrant and the prize winner further: (i) agrees to be bound by these 官方规则; (ii) agrees to release Starry from any and all liability for any loss, 伤害, 损害赔偿, 成本或费用, 包括但不限于财产损失, personal injury and/or death arising out of participating in this Promotion, 或者接受, 占有, use or misuse of any prize and claims based on publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy and merchandise delivery; (iii) consents to the use of his/her name, 的声音, picture, 除非法律禁止,否则在世界各地的任何媒体上永久地为广告和促销目的而肖像,而无需额外补偿, and (iv) acknowledges that Starry has neither made nor is responsible or liable for any warranty, 表示, 或担保, 明示或暗示, 事实上的或法律上的, 相对于任何奖项, 包括但不限于其质量, 机械条件, 或适合某一特定目的. 如果发现任何可能对促销活动的安全性和公正性产生重大影响的事件,星空可随时中止或终止任何促销活动,或决定以星空认为对参与者公平公正的任何方式修改此促销活动. 星空可能会禁止个人参加促销活动并取消其参赛资格,如果他们(a)试图通过本官方规则所述以外的任何方式参加促销活动, (b)试图以任何方式破坏促销活动或规避本官方规则的条款和条件, (c) repeatedly show a disregard for the Promotion 官方规则, (d)以违反体育道德的方式行事, 或(e)有骚扰意图的行为, 滥用, 威胁或骚扰任何其他参赛者或星空. 星空公司对促销活动的决定是最终的.

  7. 责任限制和免责. 透过参与此推广活动, 参赛者同意免除因参加促销活动或收到或使用任何奖品而引起的任何索赔或诉讼,并使星空免受损害, 包括, 但不限于: (a) unauthorized human intervention in the Promotion; (b) technical errors related to computers, 服务器, 供应商, or telephone or network lines; (c) printing errors; (d) errors in the administration of the Promotion or the processing of entries; or (e) injury or death to a person(s) or damage to property which may result, 直接或间接, 全部地或部分地, from entrant's participation in the Promotion or entrants receipt, 验收, 使用及/或享受任何奖品. 在任何情况下,星空都不承担律师费. 参赛者放弃要求任何损害赔偿的权利, 包括, 但不限于, 惩罚性, 重要的, 直接, 或者间接损害赔偿. 星空保留更正排版的权利, 任何推广资料的书写或印刷错误. Starry is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of this Promotion, the administration of the Promotion or in the announcement of prize winner(s), 包括 such error as may give an erroneous indication that a prize has been won. In the event the Starry is prevented from continuing with this Promotion, 或促销活动的完整性及/或可行性因任何事件而受到损害,包括但不限于火灾, 洪水, 疫情, 地震, 爆炸, 劳动争议, 或者罢工, 上帝的行为或公敌的行为, 卫星或设备故障, 暴动或内乱, 战争(宣战或未宣战), 恐怖主义威胁或活动, 或者任何联邦政府, 状态, 省或地方政府法律, 规管秩序, 任何法院或司法管辖区的命令, 或其他星辰无法合理控制的原因(均称为“不可抗力”事件), 自行决定, 以缩写, 修改, 暂停, cancel or terminate the Promotion without notice or further obligation. 如果星空选择缩写, cancel or terminate the Promotion as a result of a Force Majeure event, 星空没有义务颁发任何奖品.

  8. 适用法律和管辖权. This Promotion is governed by the laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 不考虑法律冲突原则. 作为参加促销活动的条件, you agree that all disputes which cannot be resolved between you and Starry, 以及所有与晋升有关的行为原因, 将单独解决, 不诉诸任何形式的集体诉讼, exclusively before a court located in the Commonwealth Massachusetts having jurisdiction. 进一步, 在任何争议中, under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, 你在此放弃所有要求惩罚的权利, 偶然的, 或者间接损害赔偿, 包括合理的律师费, and you further waive all rights to have 损害赔偿 multiplied or increased.

  9. 获奖者名单. To obtain a copy of the winner's name or a copy of these 官方规则, 将您的请求连同盖章的, 回邮信封收信人:斯达, 公司., Attn: Win $6 Months of Free 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址 Promotion, 180 Maiden Lane, #1003, New York, NY 10038**.**申请必须不迟于2020年2月15日收到.

  10. 保证人的业务性质: 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务提供商.